The power of perfect reasoning is essential to know.

The one true religion

A discriminating intellect is that in which knowledge based only on words, real knowledge and ordinary knowledge based on sense perception or reasoning are present in a mixed state and the mind alternates between them.

"When the time of destruction is at hand the intellect becomes perverted." Vridha Chan. 16:17.
Topic of discussion
Five Tests of true religion - Feb 08, 2002
  1. It (revelation) must exist in its entirety from the very beginning of creation for all of mankind, and not over a long period of time after.
    Oppose - It is unjust of Yahwe, Allah and Christ, to deprive millions born before the revelation of the Ten Commandments, the Q'uran, and the New Testament of His 'divine wisdom'. An injustice which cannot be the work of a Just, Compassionate and Merciful God.
  2. It must conform with (immutable) Natural laws
  3. Oppose - The cause of the physical body is the reproductive element - any other method as man was created from dust or blood-clot and all other miracles of God and Prophets are a breach to this law.
  4. It must be in harmony with reasoning.
    Oppose - Incest which results in mental and physical infirmities, is an immoral action and it had to be the same also in the beginning (creation of one man and one woman).
  5. It must be in harmony with science.
    Oppose - Modern science has proven creation to be more than 6,000 years old, the earth is spherical and it rotates and revolves, contradictions to the Torah, Bible and Q'uran.
  6. Its truth must be confirmed by four evidences :-
  • Direct Cognition - Not all that is known by perception can be true.
  • Inferences - God is eternal therefore we can infer that there were past creations and as well as there will be future ones.
  • Testimony - The testimonies of Rishis, sages and seers of the Vedas (altruistic teachers are all in harmony with each other.
  • History - There are many books (Mahabharata, Valmiki's Ramayan) and source of other civilization which speak of the past ancient Vedic (Aryas) civilization of 5,000 years ago and earlier.

Let's be reasonable when it comes the most abstruse science of God (wisdom), the ignorant (by repenting) and the wise (by austerity) can never reap the same rewards.

WARNING! Reader's discretion is advised - the truth offends!
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The one true religion
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Vijai Singh
@vjsn Nov 6
Listen, mate, so far in this debate, we've concluded that you know who isn't wise.
All you have to do now is just name one who is, and you're the winner. It is as simple as that.

That One Red Snifit from Super Mario Bros. 2
@XeMurder Nov 6
Remarkable. You're finally breaking script and using your own words. This is huge personal growth moment for you.
There is no single universally wise person. There are simply people who possess wisdom in a narrow field.
E.g. Einstein and physics.
Outside that field they are not.

Vijai Singh
@vjsn Nov 6
Thank you, O wise one!
"There is no single universally wise person."
Vj ~ And how do you come to know this?
So what is Einstein saying "science without religion is lame....."?

That One Red Snifit from Super Mario Bros. 2
@XeMurder Nov 6
Observation is how I know.
The human lifetime is not long enough, and out memories are too limited to master everything.
The limits of biology make it physically impossible.
He was religious, religion was more relevant during his lifetime. It means nothing more.

Vijai Singh
@vjsn Nov 6
Well, if you seem to think human lifetime is not long enough to master everything, doesn't that mean "observation" has failed you?
Well to an idiot who relies on observation it may not mean anything else, but for the enlightened there is a higher method than science.

That One Red Snifit from Super Mario Bros. 2
@XeMurder Nov 6
It isn't long enough. That much is fact.
Only idiots dismiss observation.
You aren't enlightened, don't even try that rubbish.

Vijai Singh
@vjsn Nov 6
So you don't think the "fact" of finding the right source matters?
You're a good reason why any smart person should dismiss it. I mean, it's simply logic, if you know who isn't enlightened, you should know who is.

That One Red Snifit from Super Mario Bros. 2
Replying to
@vjsnDo you want to try that question again in away that makes sense?

You aren't smart, Vijai. Don't try to speak for people superior to you. You are neither rational nor well-informed. Thus, by definition, you are not enlightened.
You're a pseudo-intellectual just pretending.

Vijai Singh
@vjsn 37m
Replying to
Well, I can't blame you for your stupidity knowing the culture you were brought up in. The wise only exist in India.
"We owe a lot to Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." Albert Einstein