The power of perfect reasoning is essential to know.

The one true religion

A discriminating intellect is that in which knowledge based only on words, real knowledge and ordinary knowledge based on sense perception or reasoning are present in a mixed state and the mind alternates between them.

"When the time of destruction is at hand the intellect becomes perverted." Vridha Chan. 16:17.
Topic of discussion
Five Tests of true religion - Feb 08, 2002
  1. It (revelation) must exist in its entirety from the very beginning of creation for all of mankind, and not over a long period of time after.
    Oppose - It is unjust of Yahwe, Allah and Christ, to deprive millions born before the revelation of the Ten Commandments, the Q'uran, and the New Testament of His 'divine wisdom'. An injustice which cannot be the work of a Just, Compassionate and Merciful God.
  2. It must conform with (immutable) Natural laws
  3. Oppose - The cause of the physical body is the reproductive element - any other method as man was created from dust or blood-clot and all other miracles of God and Prophets are a breach to this law.
  4. It must be in harmony with reasoning.
    Oppose - Incest which results in mental and physical infirmities, is an immoral action and it had to be the same also in the beginning (creation of one man and one woman).
  5. It must be in harmony with science.
    Oppose - Modern science has proven creation to be more than 6,000 years old, the earth is spherical and it rotates and revolves, contradictions to the Torah, Bible and Q'uran.
  6. Its truth must be confirmed by four evidences :-
  • Direct Cognition - Not all that is known by perception can be true.
  • Inferences - God is eternal therefore we can infer that there were past creations and as well as there will be future ones.
  • Testimony - The testimonies of Rishis, sages and seers of the Vedas (altruistic teachers are all in harmony with each other.
  • History - There are many books (Mahabharata, Valmiki's Ramayan) and source of other civilization which speak of the past ancient Vedic (Aryas) civilization of 5,000 years ago and earlier.

Let's be reasonable when it comes the most abstruse science of God (wisdom), the ignorant (by repenting) and the wise (by austerity) can never reap the same rewards.

WARNING! Reader's discretion is advised - the truth offends!
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The one true religion
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Sikhism Loves all

How can Sikhs, Muslims and Hindoos live together in light if the undermentioned verses


ਮੜ੍ਹੀ ਗੋਰ ਦੇਵਲ ਮਸੀਤਾਂ ਗਿਰਾਯੰ । ਤੁਹੀਂ ਏਕ ਅਕਾਲ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਜਪਾਯੰ ।

“Graves, Hindu temples and Mosques be destroyed” and that only Eternal, Hari is to be worshiped.

ਮਿਟੇਂ ਵੇਦ ਸ਼ਾਸਤ੍ਰ ਅਠਾਰਾਂ ਪੁਰਾਨਾ । ਮਿਟੇਂ ਬਾਂਗ ਸਲਵਾਤ ਸੁੰਨਤ ਕੁਰਾਨਾਂ ।

That all “Vedas, Shashtras and Puranas to be destroyed”. Destroy
prayer call, circumcision “and Quran”.

ਸਗਲ ਜਗਤ ਮੇਂ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਪੰਥ ਗਾਜੈ । ਜਗੈ ਧਰਮ ਹਿੰਦੂ ਸਗਲ ਦੁੰਦ ਭਾਜੈ ।

In the whole world will roar the Khalsa Panth. Dharma will flourish and all else ‘Dund’ (Hindu and Islam) “will disappear.”

Re: Sikhism Loves all

Sikhism Loves all
Vj ~ What about those in before and in remote regions of the world that never heard of Sikhism?

and all else ‘Dund’ (Hindu and Islam) “will disappear.”
Vj ~ And so will Khalsa Panth also! I can easily recommend a brain transplant for you, but I`m totally convinced, even that would not help.

Re: Sikhism Loves all


What kind of a nation do you have whose P,M is an illiterate and a son of a Ayah and he himself was a Tea seller on a rail platform Besides, he is a Gujarati - who are also called *******s in the Mahabharata !

The Mahabharata , Book 8: Karna Parva ,Section 45 The Pancalas observe the duties enjoined in the Vedas; the Kauravas observe truth; the Matsyas and the Surasenas perform sacrifices, the Easterners follow the practices of the Shudras; the Southerners are fallen; the Vahikas are thieves; the Saurashtras are *******s.

The Gujaratis are also termed as a race of Miscegnation - in the Mahabharata ! That word refers to those born of unnatural sex ! Gujaratis are a ******* race ! They swap wives ! And they do it openly and ADVERTISE IT OPENLY !

https://gujarat.locanto.net/tag/couple-swapping/ http://gujarat.lookingmale.com/WIFE-SHARING/Couple-Swapping-in-gujarat.html Should such a vermin be allowed to live ?

Re: Sikhism Loves all

What kind of a nation do you have whose P,M is an illiterate and a son of a Ayah
Vj ~ Still better than ignorant Sikhs who constantly wrapped their head with a towel, calling it a religious symbol.

Re: Sikhism Loves all

How are there no historic references?

“History - There are many books (Mahabharata, Valmiki's Ramayan) and source of other civilization which speak of the past ancient Vedic (Aryas) civilization of 5,000 years ago and earlier.”

Why do we find the Great Pyramid yet there is no evidence for flying cars, guns, computers, or electronics, all of whom you claim were in existence 5,000 yrs ago?

Re: Sikhism Loves all

How are there no historic references?
Vj ~ The Vedic revelation is completely free of historic references.

yet there is no evidence
Vj ~ "We owe a lot to Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." Albert Einstein

Re: Sikhism Loves all

“The Vedic revelation is completely free of historic references.”

Not according to the Mahabharata and Valmiki's Ramayan.

“We owe a lot to Indians... — Albert Einstein”

That’s not evidence. I want to see ancient computer systems and electronic cars as you claim there was. That’s evidence. So far the only evidence I see are ancient temples made of stone.

Re: Sikhism Loves all

Not according to the Mahabharata and Valmiki's Ramayan.
Vj ~ Man authored the Mahabharata and Valmiki's Ramayan. Brahma authored the Vedas.

That’s not evidence.
Vj ~ The goal of civilized people (ancient Aryas) was contentment. The technology that we now use is for the restless seeking relief from banality.

"Philosophy and reason will remain the most beautiful sanctuary they have always been for the select few." Einstein

Re: Sikhism Loves all

“Man authored the Mahabharata and Valmiki's Ramayan. Brahma authored the Vedas.”

Brahma (god) didn’t compose Veda, four men did. It’s man-made, idiot. So where on earth are you getting that from?

“The goal cocivilized people (ancient Aryas) was contentment.”

You keep on saying that, but it's meaningless.

“The technology that we now use is for the restless”

I see a lot of assertions with very little evidence. Prove your god.

Enough prattling about your "endless sources"; it's time to put up or shut up.

Re: Sikhism Loves all

So where on earth are you getting that from?
Vj ~ I got "that" from Maharishi Swami Dayanand Saraswati's Light of Truth

You keep on saying that, but it's meaningless.
Vj ~ Of course, anything sensible is always meaningless to a fool.
"Everything calculated to advance the dissemination of truth is like poison to begin with....." Swami Dayanand.

Prove your god.
Vj ~ God has no cure for a fool so why would I try to?

"Only the wisest and the stupidest of men never change." Confucius

it's time ........ shut up
Vj ~ I tried, but it's difficult to do so when a fool shows up.

Re: Sikhism Loves all

Vj ~ “I got "that" from Maharishi Swami Dayanand Saraswati's Light of Truth.”

Good, we're getting somewhere. But I’m not responsible for what sick and twisted stories you pull out of your as-s.

“Of course, anything sensible is always meaningless to a fool.”

You're a solipsistic. The "sheer arrogance" here is yours. Shame on you. 

"Everything....." Swami Dayanand.”

Great, you've got another so-called "scholar" whose "scholarship" consists of making things up.

“God has no cure for a fool so why would I try to?”

Really, how many lies do I have to catch you in? Someone a little more concerned with the truth would have needed  to but there is no
proof that God exists.

“I tried, but it's difficult to do so when a fool shows up.”

I am really tired of you making up lies. It's really pathetic. Every word you've written is a lie. You've lied about your religion, books, and evidence.

Re: Sikhism Loves all

Good, we're getting somewhere. But I’m not responsible for what sick and twisted stories you pull out of your as-s.
Vj ~ What more proof you need you're an idiot when it takes sh-i-t to get you going?

Re: Sikhism Loves all

"Vj ~ What more proof. . . .
"The purpose of creation is reincarnation says my faith."

The burden of proof is on you. If you can’t prove reincarnation (your assertion) then you can’t prove your god either.
Good luck!

Re: Sikhism Loves all

The burden of proof is on you.
Vj ~ Why would I want to prove anything to an idiot when I know the stupidest of men can't change?

"Only the wisest and the stupidest of men don't change." Confucius

Re: Sikhism Loves all

"Vj ~ Why would I want to prove anything"

What if you're a shapeshifting alien? Someone who wants to make a claim needs to bring evidence for it. No evidence, then the claim is worthless.

If you were really committed to "the truth, from whatever source," you would agree to that. But you have to keep on doubling down on that lie. Typical of you, though, to ignore challenges you can't answer.

You talk about reincarnation without bothering to bring the slightest proof for that. There comes a point when we have to assume that you're simply making things up in an attempt to win a debate.

Enough; it's time to put up or shut up.

Re: Sikhism Loves all

without bothering to bring the slightest proof for that
Vj ~ It took me 20 years of honest inquiry to come to know the truth and you expect to do it in a few posts on these boards. There is no short cut to wisdom.

Anyone who comes here asking for proof is a fool and unfortunately, God has no cure for a fool.