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The need for philisophical synthesis

I am by all means a layman in terms of the subjects I am willing to expound opon. Here is my attempt at a valid statement, and worthwhile questions.

It is my opinion that mysticisim and psychology should be unified. Or perhaps maybe it is already unified and the problem lies in the way I am looking at it.

Does it matter whether or not we call the Archon "gods" or "collective consiousness by culture or zietgiest"?

It seems in a sense that western psychology is a kind of cultural and temporal plagerisim. As though we have changed the names,broken things into smaller pieces but all in all just retelling a story as though it were our own.

You may say "how dare you speculate"!and then throw an infinite number of facts at me. I have gotten this response from religous and scientific folks when I talk of invocation as willfull inspiration or industrial manufacture as magic, or God as collective humanity:omnipresent,ineffible,world creating, miracle working,plague sending,wrathful,and benevolent.

Thinking this way grants some merit to a religous zelots case when he kills because his (cultural) God told him to. And if this is the formula of the phenomenon what does this say about the American gods?

The parallels seem complete. Did we already know what we belive we are figuring out?