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i am you and all i see is me

if life is just a series of interactions and relationships when one looks back at life they judge themselves not by knowledge of ones true self but by who society saw them as judge president garbage collector. ouside of this they are nothing because they would not interact. so when i die iwill be known for my prestige or sacrifice for others. i will be the glimmers and shades people believed me to be because of my base interactions with do we as humans have any true identity besides the ones that are made up for us. and furthermore is it our society that makes the roles we choose** to play. im not trying to go on some whiney philosophy undergrad rant i just want people to give me feedback on this

dorian gray
the whole world was on fire but i never knew i was burning

Re: i am you and all i see is me

society can be defined as a bunch of roles. roles are the medium by which society is recognised and the message is agreement to pretension is beneficial. playing the good little citizen and not ripping someone's head off and shyting down their throat when they get on your nerves is a successful role that characterises civilised people.

you seem to be facing outwards and trying to comprehend internal machinations. are you asking, 'am i truly alone and all my relationships are as my myths?' or perhaps 'what is the more real- the private person i know as me or the public person known as me?'

perhaps not.


Re: Re: i am you and all i see is me

thank you for your time. what you say makes sense but i think we are on different pages of the same book.

im asking this question so others may find their own answers.

ive resigned my self to this because i believe if i apply myself 100% to my ideas and beliefs they will imprint onto others ideas of me

Re: i am you and all i see is me

You are the "you" you know,knew, and will potentially know. You are also the "you" that everyone else knows,knew,and will potentially know.
Try to think of a human being in 4 dimensional flux from birth to death.

I belive that all things are exactly what they are belived to be but only to the beliver individually do they form. Though we may share an experience you and I may see different parts or the totality. Though because we use similar enough language we may appear to agree whole heartedly in our discriptions.