Sounds great... if I still have any money left then it'll be my pleasure!!! ... if the economy keeps going down and taxes keep going up then it'll be a BBQ at my house!!
I didn't mind the changes until today when I tried to view the forum on my iphone, No Flash = No Forum! It was nice to cruise through posts on coffee breaks... Oh well. I definately prefer the old style, what forum hosting software does Joe use for his site? I think that's the preferred format! Eric
Oh yeah, no quiting!! This is my only source for political news and gossip!
I too have been away, and this is certainly a change, but the main thing is I think we are all still here. Norm if you need some money to make a fix or some changes you should let us know.
I wont be here until I replace my 8 yr old machine. There aint no way to load flash player into it and w/o it, this site wont work. Im on a substitute machine at the moment. This is a real bitch.