Unplugging "denied"
There are two main things that bother me,, the slow loading of every thread and the lack of colour change for read threads.
I agree with all these points. We all enjoy the interchange of information, the source of knowledge, and even the jabs and insults that are available here. Please don't close up shop on the forum.
It sure would be nice to have the colors back so we know what we've read.
Thanks, Jerry
Close up shop!?!... don't make me come out
there Norm
Tax time reminds me that its time to cut
a check to the DTA. I'm a card
carrying member. Everyone should be.
I flew out to collect my official card in
person [and to hit Norm & Tina up for a meal].
Ha! Ha!
And a fine time was had by all...(except maybe the waiter!)
Next time you come out we'll invite FrankyB, find a more expensive restaurant and he can pick up the tab....
Sounds great... if I still have any money left then it'll be my pleasure!!! ... if the economy keeps going down and taxes keep going up then it'll be a BBQ at my house!!
I didn't mind the changes until today when I tried to view the forum on my iphone, No Flash = No Forum! It was nice to cruise through posts on coffee breaks... Oh well. I definately prefer the old style, what forum hosting software does Joe use for his site? I think that's the preferred format! Eric
Oh yeah, no quiting!! This is my only source for political news and gossip!
I too have been away, and this is certainly a change, but the main thing is I think we are all still here. Norm if you need some money to make a fix or some changes you should let us know.
I wont be here until I replace my 8 yr old machine. There aint no way to load flash player into it and w/o it, this site wont work. Im on a substitute machine at the moment. This is a real bitch.