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Artist, author and activist Faith Ringgold will answer questions about art-making and the business of art. Take a look at what everyone is talking about, add to the conversation or add something new by clicking on "POST". Please diregard the advertizments we do not condone or endorse any of it.

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what is the power of art

Dear Faith,

I love being your assistant. I’ve learned so much about the life of an artist from you. But the more you know the more you know that you don’t know. I know that I love to make things. I know that I love color. I know that being an artist is hard work. I know there is power in beauty and in ordinary moments. I know that I want my words, actions and creations to be peaceful, full of love and honest.

I don’t know if what I do is important to anyone else but me. I don’t know if I will ever be a successful artist. I don’t know what is the power of art?

Re: what is the power of art

A successful artist is one who is in the position to do their work and does it as often as they can. It has to be important to you first of all and if you continue to do it and enough people see it in time it will become important to them too. However if you don't do it there is no possibility of it being important to anyone not even you. So you are the first and success is hanging in the balance. The more you do the better you get. Love Faith

The power of art

Thanks Faith,
I thought it was all about me, thanks for confirming.-Grace