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Re: Thank YOU Cher (*and husband of Cher)!

Why no problem Jordy. My husband's name is Craig and he said you are quite welcome. He helped me start with the first two sites that I built. It was going so slow because I knew nothing about HTML or how to build a site. I did not like the way they were working out so I found this bravenet site and nixed all the other sites. (One weekend I built 3 websites to make a total of 5 sites altogether.) This site I built in a little over a day (36 hours almost straight), but I've spent longer than that trying to get out all the kinks (which I keep finding = argh!)

Thanks for the links. I think I'm going to make a page of links instead of using the side bar links.

Anyhow, can't wait until you guys go.


Re: Thank YOU Cher (*and husband of Cher)!

Ooobi doo.... I wanna be like you ooo.... I wanna walk like you and talk like you, it's true.....