I congratulate you Shree Ashokbhai Bhagwanjibhai Ghaghada on your appointment as The Chairman of Shree Parjiya Pattni Samaj. As per my rememberence you have followed footsteps of your father Late Shree Bhagwanjibhai Devjibhai, who served community and especially during silver jubilee in 1977, whereby he spent almost everynight at Samaj preparing for the functions. Your elder brother Shree Laxmidas Bhagwanjibhai (Kanubhai) also served the community and always keen in maintaining the Samaj building and cannot forget his contibution during 1977 celebration whereby he decorated the whole samaj by himself all alone. Ofcourse i cannot forget you during 1977 silver jubilee function playing dandia and making Chotlo.I have also seen you travelling to Nairobi and collecting funds for repairs of Samaj contributing your valuable time of three to four days.Lastly, I wish you and appointed Managing Committee best of wishes.