The power of perfect reasoning is essential to know.

The one true religion

A discriminating intellect is that in which knowledge based only on words, real knowledge and ordinary knowledge based on sense perception or reasoning are present in a mixed state and the mind alternates between them.

"When the time of destruction is at hand the intellect becomes perverted." Vridha Chan. 16:17.
Topic of discussion
Five Tests of true religion - Feb 08, 2002
  1. It (revelation) must exist in its entirety from the very beginning of creation for all of mankind, and not over a long period of time after.
    Oppose - It is unjust of Yahwe, Allah and Christ, to deprive millions born before the revelation of the Ten Commandments, the Q'uran, and the New Testament of His 'divine wisdom'. An injustice which cannot be the work of a Just, Compassionate and Merciful God.
  2. It must conform with (immutable) Natural laws
  3. Oppose - The cause of the physical body is the reproductive element - any other method as man was created from dust or blood-clot and all other miracles of God and Prophets are a breach to this law.
  4. It must be in harmony with reasoning.
    Oppose - Incest which results in mental and physical infirmities, is an immoral action and it had to be the same also in the beginning (creation of one man and one woman).
  5. It must be in harmony with science.
    Oppose - Modern science has proven creation to be more than 6,000 years old, the earth is spherical and it rotates and revolves, contradictions to the Torah, Bible and Q'uran.
  6. Its truth must be confirmed by four evidences :-
  • Direct Cognition - Not all that is known by perception can be true.
  • Inferences - God is eternal therefore we can infer that there were past creations and as well as there will be future ones.
  • Testimony - The testimonies of Rishis, sages and seers of the Vedas (altruistic teachers are all in harmony with each other.
  • History - There are many books (Mahabharata, Valmiki's Ramayan) and source of other civilization which speak of the past ancient Vedic (Aryas) civilization of 5,000 years ago and earlier.

Let's be reasonable when it comes the most abstruse science of God (wisdom), the ignorant (by repenting) and the wise (by austerity) can never reap the same rewards.

WARNING! Reader's discretion is advised - the truth offends!
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The one true religion
"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." Plato
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the first to strike down the evolution theory

Dr. A. R. Wallace, the first to strike down the evolution theory. He rightly affirmed:
"The Veda admittedly the oldest book in the library of mankind contains the essential teachings of the most advanced religious thinkers .....which are pure and lofty."

Irfan Singh Shahrukh
Oct 28
Dayanand Saraswati Arya Samaj (founded in 1875) plagiarized much of the Brahmo Samaj movement, but where Roy sought peace and unity, Dayanand embraced racist bigotry, closed-mindedness, aggressiveness, and disparagements that stifled tolerance, growth, and respect for all people.

Vijai Singh
Oct 29
Truth is painful to the ignorant! Who in Brahmo Samaj movement was hated, had 16 attempts on his life and finally murdered?

"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." Plato

Irfan Singh Shahrukh
Oct 29
Dayanand was murdered because of his karma. He was a racist bigot, closed-minded addicted to cannabis. Karma dictates he gets what he deserved.

Roy respected the English and banned Sati (widow burning).

Vijai Singh
Oct 30
"It is perfectly certain that India never saw a more learned Sanskrit scholar, a deeper metaphysician, a more wonderful orator, and a more fearless denunciator of any evil, than Dayanand, since the time of Sankarcharya (2,300 years ago)." Madame Blavatsky

Irfan Singh Shahrukh
What the Madame Blavatsky thinks does not erase the karma Dayanand deserved when he was poisoned. Karma meats out your actions. why was he poisoned if he did not poison others with his bad theology?

Vijai Singh
And whatever you think does not erase the fact that he attained mukti.
Truth is poison to the ignorant.

"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." Plato

Irfan Singh Shahrukh
You speculate he attained mukti. this is only your speculation. We know fact is he died of poison. Why did he die of position? He must have had bad karma.

Vijai Singh
Is this - http://vjsingh.info - what you call speculation?
It doesn't matter how death comes for the wise, it is most welcomed for mukti.

You're an idiot and an idiot isn't an authority on how karma works.

Irfan Singh Shahrukh
You twisting karma to reflect your own views. Karma does not care about your feelings.

Vijai Singh
How would a fool know the effect of karma on the wise and even the fool, himself?

I don't have to worry about that, my feelings care about karma.