The power of perfect reasoning is essential to know.

The one true religion

A discriminating intellect is that in which knowledge based only on words, real knowledge and ordinary knowledge based on sense perception or reasoning are present in a mixed state and the mind alternates between them.

"When the time of destruction is at hand the intellect becomes perverted." Vridha Chan. 16:17.
Topic of discussion
Five Tests of true religion - Feb 08, 2002
  1. It (revelation) must exist in its entirety from the very beginning of creation for all of mankind, and not over a long period of time after.
    Oppose - It is unjust of Yahwe, Allah and Christ, to deprive millions born before the revelation of the Ten Commandments, the Q'uran, and the New Testament of His 'divine wisdom'. An injustice which cannot be the work of a Just, Compassionate and Merciful God.
  2. It must conform with (immutable) Natural laws
  3. Oppose - The cause of the physical body is the reproductive element - any other method as man was created from dust or blood-clot and all other miracles of God and Prophets are a breach to this law.
  4. It must be in harmony with reasoning.
    Oppose - Incest which results in mental and physical infirmities, is an immoral action and it had to be the same also in the beginning (creation of one man and one woman).
  5. It must be in harmony with science.
    Oppose - Modern science has proven creation to be more than 6,000 years old, the earth is spherical and it rotates and revolves, contradictions to the Torah, Bible and Q'uran.
  6. Its truth must be confirmed by four evidences :-
  • Direct Cognition - Not all that is known by perception can be true.
  • Inferences - God is eternal therefore we can infer that there were past creations and as well as there will be future ones.
  • Testimony - The testimonies of Rishis, sages and seers of the Vedas (altruistic teachers are all in harmony with each other.
  • History - There are many books (Mahabharata, Valmiki's Ramayan) and source of other civilization which speak of the past ancient Vedic (Aryas) civilization of 5,000 years ago and earlier.

Let's be reasonable when it comes the most abstruse science of God (wisdom), the ignorant (by repenting) and the wise (by austerity) can never reap the same rewards.

WARNING! Reader's discretion is advised - the truth offends!
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The one true religion
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West to East

The first evidence we have of zero is from the Sumerian culture in Mesopotamia, some 5,000 years ago so don't make some wild comments and the technology outburst came from West to east so u enjoy today's smartphones to write a comment.
Max indian immigrants shifted to West for better healthcare, financial success go these and preach it in India and u owe lot to the West.

Re: West to East

Being a lunatic isn't really the position you ought to in debating me. It seems your quarrel is with Albert Einstein and Mark Twain anyways.

It is the West that owes us, my friend. India's GDP was 26% when the British came to India and it was 2% when they left. They stole 43 trillion dollars in 200 years.
"Max indian immigrants shifted to the West" because you ****** owe us.

This is true of the West:
"If there should be a conference among the most imaginative minds they will agree that almost all institution of learning is only nurseries of prejudice, corruption, barbarism, and pedantry." Anonymous

Re: West to East

Thats right, when Satan speak lies he speak his native language and also many are spiritually blind and cannot see the truth! For example , there are many counterfeits but only one type of dallor is the real one that the bank will accept, you can be brought believing a lie or research a lie and believe in that lie, the truth always stand the test of time! Doesnt matter what we think, opinions can only go so far, everyone has one, the truth will be revealed to us at the end of the day!!

Re: West to East

You have to be totally deluded to speak of something (satan) that doesn't exist, period.
If you don't know what your god was doing before now, you can't speak of truth standing the test of time.

Re: West to East

Sir if you had experienced what I had went through and know the Bible, you wouldn't speak so lightly! I wish you the best, some will make it some will miss the boat, make sure you don't miss it when it is time or else you will have an eternity to regret in total darkness and torment beyond your imagination!

Re: West to East

How can you speak of me, missing the boat, when you don't know what your god was doing before this creation?

Re: West to East

My God didn't need to do anything before Creation, give me a reason why He need to do anything in the first place? Let me ask you this, since you see an unbeliever, if God is real, if God is real, would you believe in Him??

Re: West to East

Yes for the ignorant god has no need to do anything before creation. Are you happy about that?
I could give you are reason but if stupidity is good enough to get you to heaven why strive to be sensible?
My God is real because I know, not believe where there are doubts, what He was doing before this creation.

Re: West to East

If God appears as whatever color, wouldnt you think the color he didnt chose to appears would be offended either way? So if he was African American wouldnt Asian be offended? Think about your question."
Do you ever wonder why God condemned those people?
We live in a society where evil is all around us, and if there is no justice system, would you want to live in that world?
Our wisdom, eloquent, and intelligent means absolutely NOTHING against the devil!"
we all seek to know the absolute truth right?"

Re: West to East

"If God appears as whatever color, wouldnt you think the color he didnt chose to appears would be offended either way? So if he was African American wouldnt Asian be offended? Think about your question."
Vj ~ I did think about it, that's why he should know better than to make his presence and if it was necessary to do so do it in the very beginning where there was only one race where no one would have seen it as an injustice.
Never mind African American, I'm offended he is white.

"Do you ever wonder why God condemned those people?"
Vj ~ I wonder how he could be that stupid to condemn them for all eternity when their evil actions are only finite. Billions are born into different religions and from birth they are taught that. It will be a grave injustice to have them penalized for all eternity for no fault of their own.
Reincarnation is a more merciful and compassionate act where one gets the chance to come again and again until they get it right and if you can see that you're definitely brain-dead.

"We live in a society where evil is all around us, and if there is no justice system, would you want to live in that world?"
Vj ~ Our justice system is fairer than that of your god. We don't sentence a man to death for stealing a loaf of bread. Justice is dispensed fairly where the penalty meets the crime they committed.
There are virtuous people in all religions. I'm a vegetarian, I practice celibacy, I arise 4 am every morning in practice of 2 hours of yoga, I'm healthy as a horse and I give to charity and it has become my nature to share my wisdom (vjsingh.info) freely to the world without fee. Do you really think a man like me should be burning in hell for all eternity?

"Our wisdom, eloquent, and intelligent means absolutely NOTHING against the devil!"
Vj ~ There is no devil where there is wisdom and if you're having problem with one, it is not wisdom.

"we all seek to know the absolute truth right?"
Vj ~ How can you possibly find the absolute truth when you don't know anything of my faith?
You were better off a Buddhist, my friend.
Buddha himself endorsed the Vedas. "He who attains true knowledge of Dharma or righteousness through the Vedas, attains a steady position. He does not waver." Sutta Nipata 292

Re: West to East

again that make no sense, God is not a human being, our rules doesnt apply to Him, does your rules and order apply to your CEO or Boss? I think not, whatever they say go or else ur fired, so how long have u been alive to question God's ways? Were u there when He created the world? And again you keep dodging the question because your heart is so hardened, answer it, if Jesus is real would you believe in Him? Its yes or no question, I have talk to tons of people like you same mind set, running away from a yes or no question but at the same time continue to speak nonsense...

Re: West to East

"again that makes no sense,"
Vj ~ It makes no sense because you're void of reasoning.
"The less you know the more you believe." Bono

"our rules doesnt apply to Him"
Vj ~ And where did we get our rules?

"does your rules and order apply to your CEO or Boss?"
Vj ~ If he didn't how could he be a CEO or Boss?

"so how long have u been alive to question God's ways?"
Vj ~ I'm questioning the ways of a false god and if you were a sensible man you would make inquiry into other faiths, especially the ones that are far older than yours.

"Were u there when He created the world?"
Vj ~ And neither was Christ!

"if Jesus is real would you believe in Him?"
Vj ~ In the first place, Jesus never wrote anything himself so it will be **** stupid for any rational man to believe he was real. Secondly, God should know the resurrection of the dead and virgin birth are breaches to the laws of nature.

"but at the same time continue to speak nonsense..."
Vj ~ Nonsense is a book that says the earth is flat, the sun is moving, snakes and donkeys talked.
"A God who would inflict "flood, fire, famine, plague, pestilence and drought" on humankind is nothing less than a "thug" in the sky." Prof.Dan Goldstick.

Re: West to East

You would make a good hamster wheel sir and it will go in circle for eternity at one spot and not advancing an inch further! Well when someone heart is so harden, God will give them over to their sins, you will have an eternity to regret but dont ever tell God He didnt send anyone to tell you about Jesus! Take care and wish you the best, maybe some day when you are awoke we shall chat again, until then I know you have your own journey to pursue!

Re: West to East

Thomas Paine answered your question!
"Revelation is a communication of something, which the person to whom the thing is revealed did not know before. For if I have done a thing, or seen it done,
it needs no revelation to tell me, I have done or seen it done nor enable me to tell it or write it. Revelation, therefore, cannot be applied to anything done upon earth, of which man is himself actor or witness and consequently all the historical part of the bible which is almost the whole of it, is not within the meaning and compass of the word revelation and therefore is not the word of god." Thomas Paine

Are you going to teach your 2 year old the earth is flat and the sun is moving, snakes and donkeys talked?

Re: West to East

You will have an eternity to regret.

Re: West to East

You will have an eternity to regret
Vj ~ There will be nothing for me to regret as I've done my home work (comparative studies of all religions - vjsingh.info). There can be no eternity sir, when the souls are finite (created). Only that which has no beginning has no end (eternal). Go educate yourself for you don't know I'm trying to save you from the evils of a false dogma.
Virgin birth is a breach of natural laws. It never happened and it is the reason there was no Jesus.

Re: West to East

Listen young man! My final words to you is that I love you but more importantly Jesus loves you dearly and willingly die for your sins, whatever your understanding or serving at the time cannot match that kind of love and truth! You have your own journey as we all do, I wish you well! It may be hard to believe but I care and love you but Jesus love you most, more than your parents and anyone that you know! Good day sir!!

Re: West to East

Thank you Tony but I doubt your love for me and worst when it comes to Jesus who has condemn billion to an eternal hellfire.

Re: West to East

Perfect love cast out all fear! Im not going to fear that someone who doesnt believe what I believe to stop me from loving them genuinely as another human being at the end of the day!

Re: West to East

When god showed up 2000 years ago there were many races on earth, why did he show up as a whiteman (an injustice) and not any other race?

Again had he showed up as an African, Indian or Chinese how many white people you know would have embraced him as God? Belief in God isn't enough my friend you have to think.

This is why there are 2.5 billion Christians on this planet.
"The greatest torture in the world for most people is to think." Luther Burbank

Again how could a god who has condemned billions to an eternal hell fire love me more than my parents or anyone else I know?

Re: West to East

Perfect love cast out all fear! Im not going to fear that someone who doesnt believe what I believe to stop me from loving them genuinely as another human being at the end of the day!

Re: West to East

When god showed 2000 years ago there were many races on earth, why did he show up as a whiteman (an injustice) and not any other race?
Again had he showed up as an African, Indian or Chinese how many white people you know have embraced him as God? Belief in God isn't enough my friend you have to think.

Re: West to East

If God appears as whatever color, wouldnt you think the color he didnt chose to appears would be offended either way? So if he was African American wouldnt Asian be offended? Think about your question.

Do you ever wonder why God condemned those people? We live in a society where evil is all around us, and if there is no justice system, would you want to live in that world?

Our wisdom, eloquent, and intelligent means absolutely NOTHING against the devil! He has been alive a lot longer than you and I and our whole generation put together, be careful in how you approach him friend! Hes the master of all lies, the Father, when he speak lies he speak his native language!

You know we can agree to disagree on our views about God but im sure we can have coffee some day and shake hands abs agree on a variety of other things, I appreciate your passion about your belief, at the end of the day, we all seek to knownthe absolute truth right?

Re: West to East

If God appears as whatever color, wouldnt you think the color he didnt chose to appears would be offended either way? So if he was African American wouldnt Asian be offended? Think about your question.
Vj ~ I did think about it, that's why he should know better than to make his presence and if it was necessary to do so do it in the very beginning where there was only one race where no one would have seen it as an injustice.
Never mind African American, I'm offended he is white.

"Do you ever wonder why God condemned those people?"
Vj ~ I wonder how he could be that stupid to condemn them for all eternity when their evil actions are only finite. Billions are born into different religions and from birth they are taught that. It will be a grave injustice to have them penalized for all eternity for no fault of their own.
Reincarnation is a more merciful and compassionate act where one gets the chance to come again and again until they get it right and if you can see that you're definitely brain-dead.

"We live in a society where evil is all around us, and if there is no justice system, would you want to live in that world?"
Vj ~ Our justice system is fairer than that of your god. We don't sentence a man to death for stealing a loaf of bread. Justice is dispensed fairly where the penalty meets the crime they committed.
There are virtuous people in all religions. I'm a vegetarian, I practice celibacy, I arise 4 am every morning in practice of 2 hours of yoga, I'm healthy as a horse and I give to charity and it has become my nature to share my wisdom (vjsingh.info) freely to the world without fee. Do you really think a man like me should be burning in hell for all eternity?

"Our wisdom, eloquent, and intelligent means absolutely NOTHING against the devil!"
Vj ~ There is no devil where there is wisdom and if you're having problem with one, it is not wisdom.

we all seek to know the absolute truth right?""
Vj ~ How can you possibly find the absolute truth when you don't know anything of my faith?
You were better off a Buddhist, my friend.
Buddha himself endorsed the Vedas. "He who attains true knowledge of Dharma or righteousness through the Vedas, attains a steady position. He does not waver." Sutta Nipata 292

Don't think for a moment because 2.5 billion people are Christians, the religion is true.

"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority." Booker T. Washington

Re: West to East

Thats a valid statement, have you ever read the Bible before??

Re: West to East

When it comes to philosophy, reading in the absence of reasoning leaves us blind.
"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking." Albert Einstein

I tried to read the Bible, but I couldn't get past the first verse where it says "In the beginning god created the earth and heaven.........." It simply means god had a beginning also, if not, what was he doing before?

I also couldn't get past the idea that these tele-evangelists (hypocrites) fleasing the gullible turning themselves into millionaires with jets and multi-million dollar mansions, etc. when the Bible clearly states "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than rich man entering the kingdom of heaven."

Re: West to East

Whatever God was doing before is none of our business, but if one wish to know then perhaps when we see Him in heaven one can ask! We wont know everything about God, thats a fact, His ways are higher than ours. You know a lot of people say this and that about God and disagreeing with Him, I simply tell them well when you are a God then you get to do whatever you want with your creation, for example, you can do whatever you want with clay, make whatever you want since you are the Creator of it, it would be weird for a clay to tell you what to make of it and ask you questions like hey you creator, what were you doing before you made me lol anyway, you get the point.

As far as those wolf in sheeps clothings, they do not represent God the right way, they paint a bad picture, so why would you let another human being behavior dictate who and what God is like, that would be a poor choice in my opinion, it would be like me saying I saw one, two, ten bad appmes on the trees there for this tree is bad, what about the other good apples that the tree produces, the other 1000 good apples, are you going to look at those 10 apples and say what a horrible tree that is?

Re: West to East

"Whatever God was doing before is none of our business,"
Vj ~ So you're saying dumb-a-s-s, if anyone is looking for job one is free to tell one's prospective employer a resume of one's pass is none of his/her business?

"but if one wish to know then perhaps when we see Him in heaven one can ask!"
Vj ~ That's my point *******, if you don't know what he was doing before, how would you know he and heaven do exist?

"We wont know everything about God, thats a fact,"
Vj ~ So why are you arguing with one who knows everything about God, a fact.

"you get the point."
Vj ~ Yes I do, you're dumber ass than I thought!

"would be a poor choice in my opinion,
Vj ~ It would be a poor choice also, to taste one apple from the tree of 1000 good and conclude it to be the sweetest. In case you don't get it, here is what I mean. You can't peruse one scripture and declare it to be true, without doing the same for all the others.

Re: West to East

I'll ask once again, if God is true and reveal the truth to you, would you put your ignorance and pride away to worship Him? The question remain until you answer

Thats awesome that my God is working with you where your at right now!!! Give Him your heart and He will give you more than you can ever imagine

Re: West to East

My advice to you, use your intellect instead of your heart. You said when you get to heaven you're going to ask God what he was doing before this creation. The Bible says "seek the truth and it will set you free. The truth is when you know so how can you get to heaven when you don't know what he was doing before?

Your god showed up 2000 years ago. He had 12 disciples and none of them were smart enough to ask what he was doing before.

The Bible is certainly not the word of God.
"Revelation is a communication of something, which the person to whom the thing is revealed did not know before. For if I have done a thing, or seen it done, it needs no revelation to tell me, I have done or seen it done nor enable me to tell it or write it. Revelation, therefore, cannot be applied to anything done upon earth, of which man is himself actor or witness and consequently all the historical part of the bible which is almost the whole of it, is not within the meaning and compass of the word revelation and therefore is not the word of god." Thomas Paine

Re: West to East

I have heard a lot more convincing arguments, your is truly wack! Again you cannot answer a yes or no question and keep running around in circle, I'll ask again and this will be the last time, God will humble the proud sir and I love to see when it happens because its so beautiful, you have a proud heart God will meet you where your at, I know you have no reason to believe in God, I was the same... so if God reveal the truth to you, would you believe Him or would you bank your eternity on thomas p? A man?? Your call bud, thomas won't be there to cover your sins on judgement day, you have made your choice, I hope you have enough time before Jesus come back! Continue your journey as you wish...

Re: West to East

To me you're still a dumb-a-s-s, if your god is good at revealing the truth, how come you have to wait until you get to heaven to ask him what he was doing before creation?

Shouldn't you also know when he is coming back?

Yes, I'm banking my eternity on reasoning - "It is only by the exercise of reasoning, that man can discover God." Thomas Paine

Re: West to East

Vijai Singh use ur mind 😏 to get some understanding ur leaders fights on cows and corruption ur corrupt leaders invest in West,
Your going to teach the corruption.

Re: West to East

use ur mind 😏 to get some understanding
Vj ~ Better to use the intellect, it is where the mind needs help to understand.

Re: West to East

All culture were sustainable on its own on certain extent until industrial revolution came where persons individual worth and style of living increased most of these is gone from West to the east no doubt, today nothing in this world are not unaware of technology and issue related to brits ruled india it was bad so West decided to have access rights for easterners to Europe,Indians profited most from Canada, UK, France, Germany, US, Aus, NZ, etc till today and the figure goes up and that's why EU tagged india as developing country to reduces taxes on its exports and imports.

Re: West to East

Here is what I know of the Western mindset:
"If there should be a conference among the most imaginative minds they will agree that almost all institution of learning is only nurseries of prejudice, corruption, barbarism, and pedantry." Anonymous

The oldest religion in the world is Hinduism. It simply, means India is the first to give the world the concept of God and everything else. Before 5000 years ago, the whole world was the Vedic (aryas) civilization. So whatever the Sumerian culture knew it came from India.

I view my wisdom and my health (practice of yoga) to be far superior to your science of "today's smartphone" and the healthcare of the West.