Enchanted Voyagers Motorcycle Organization Forum

The Enchanted Voyagers Association is a chapter of the American Voyager Association.  The club was formed by Kawasaki Voyager Riders in New Mexico, but is open to all riders.  Please feel free to use this service.

Enchanted Voyagers Forum
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Good morning

Good morning all
A little warmer so far this morning. Only down to 46 and heading for only 67. Supposed to be windy today. It is bringing in cooler weather. Supposed to be down to freezing Friday night. Noy really looking forward to this cooler weather.
Will be sunny though for Saturday, so the ride to Corona should still be OK. Hank, will you be calling people about it? I will be leaving the truck stop north of town at 10.
Yall have a great day.


Re: Good morning

Good morning.
I like the new profile picture.
Have a good day. Ride safe.


Re: Good morning

Good Morning, All;
5o Degrees (!), and cloudy here in Albuquerque, headed for a high of 54. Clouds are supposed to move out later. RR, I like that 'avatar'! How do I add one? Rode Ol'Faithful to work yesterday, came straight home because there was no light left after I got off work. This is going to take some getting used to. Hope to see everyone in Corona Sat...& RR I will call tonight. Everyone have a Great Day!!

Ride Safe & Sane; and PLEASE-ATGATT!!!
Hank, Ol'Faithful, & the Silver Bullet
'03 Voyager XII~Last of the Breed!