Enchanted Voyagers Motorcycle Organization Forum

The Enchanted Voyagers Association is a chapter of the American Voyager Association.  The club was formed by Kawasaki Voyager Riders in New Mexico, but is open to all riders.  Please feel free to use this service.

Enchanted Voyagers Forum
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Good morning

Good morning all
Another beautiful weekend gone and another great day here. Currently 50 heading for 82 with clear skies.
Had a good lunch saturday with 4 other EVers. Heading to Silver City for the next one on May 1st.
Looks like a great week coming up. A chance of rain towards the end of the week. Will be heading for Fredericksburg and the HCT in 9 days.
Currently 57 in Fredericksburg heading for 75 with showers. Hopefully will get the showers out of its system for the HCT.
Yall have a great day.


Re: Good morning

Good morning
Y'all have a good day.
Ride safe.


Re: Good morning

Good Morning, EVA!
49 here with 'haze' headed for a high of 78 this afternoon. Had a great lunch in Alamogordo yesterday.
Got home about 7ish, after dinner at the Willard Cantina in Willard. Been trying to get the NL out without any luck. RR, there's a PM coming your way.
Wish I could make the HCT, but my leave for the year is all used up. Have Fun,Guys!

Ride Safe & Sane;
Hank, Ol'Faithful, & the Silver Bullet
'03 Voyager XII~Last of the Breed

Re: Good morning

Hi everyone,
We also had a good weekend here in sunny Tucson. Friday, we had two biker couples arrive here, one from the Phoenix area and one from Chino Valley. These are the same folks that we went to the coast and Yosemite with last fall. I was ready to go for a ride right then, but they had already traveled a ways, so we kicked back and visited.
On Saturday, we left here about 8:00 and headed down the interstate to Willcox, where we turned off and headed to Chiracahua Monument Nat. Park. There was 4 bikes, as my son and grandson came along also. This park is very cool with lots of strange rock structures like what you see at Bryce National Park. The road winds through the park about 10 miles? and ends at Massai Point. This is about 6800 feet in elevation and very panoramic!
From there we headed south through some desert and a lot of farm land towards Douglas, which is right on the Mexican border. We passed through a couple of little farm towns, Elfrida and McNeil and then curved around to the northwest and came in to Bisbee from the south end. We had lunch at the Copper Queen, and headed back through Tombstone and Sonoita. We arrived home about 7:00 and had a nice evening of fellowship. The ride was just about 300 miles and all had a good time and with no mishaps (we didn't even get lost!)
Sunday morning we all went to church and then split off, with our friends heading back north. All in all, a great weekend! I will get Dorothy to post some pictures soon.
Well, I guess I need to get something done today. Have a great day.