Enchanted Voyagers Motorcycle Organization Forum

The Enchanted Voyagers Association is a chapter of the American Voyager Association.  The club was formed by Kawasaki Voyager Riders in New Mexico, but is open to all riders.  Please feel free to use this service.

Enchanted Voyagers Forum
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Good morning

Good morning all
Finally made it. Down below freezing to 30 and heading for only 56 with clear skies. It could have waited longer. Too cold. I might even have to turn on the heater in the house if it keeps this up.
Lunch in Willard at the Cantina in 4 days.
Yall have a great day.


Re: Good morning

71/83, Rain possible. Temps cooling off starting tomorrow. Have a good day.


Re: Good morning

Good Morning, All;
34/49 and cloudy today. Guess it's time to use the 'Frozen North' moniker again. Oh, there's a chance for snow, too. Gotta do laundry today, and keep on packing for my move. I need to be out by the end of the month. May not be able to 'go home' for Christmas...finances do not look good. Oh, Well, maybe I'll do summer instead. That way, I can camp out. Everyone Have A Great Day!!

Ride Safe & Sane;
Hank & Ol'Faithful