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** Clup Center 23 **

Durch die unwarscheinlichen Problehme der lezten Tage!!!!!!! Haben wier daraus gehlernt?????? Ja ich denke darum hir dieses Forum.. BTTE Schinniert euch nich und gebraucht es auch. Somit verbleibe ich und wüsche viel Spass Arto Sandra Sugus Snupy

** Clup Center 23 **
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Against Bombing?

Polls in Europe now show 60 to 70 percent of the populace feels that America is unfriendly to their interests. What a turnabout since the Cold War. What a change since V-E Day! Of course it’s not just Europe. Harvard Prof. Samuel Huntington reports in Foreign Affairs that surveys of elite opinion in two thirds of the world’s societies, including Chinese, Russians, Indians, Arabs, Muslims and Africans, show that the United States is now regarded as the greatest single external threat.

Here we are, the most powerful nation in the world, the sole surviving superpower, and around the globe our military folks are hunkered down like inmates in maximum- security prisons. In dozens of other overseas hot spots, our soldiers live in virtual barbwire- enclosed fortresses and call themselves POPs -- prisoners of peace