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Abortionists Caught Throwing Babies in Front of Cars!

Here is the scenario…

A mother and her 3-year-old daughter are walking along the side of a road. While walking, a large truck comes speeding up the side of the road uncontrollably and is heading straight for the daughter. The mother has two choices. She can either pull the daughter to safety, and risk being killed by this out of control vehicle, or she can dive to safety, leaving the daughter there to die. What do you think this mother will do?

The abortion lobby has promulgated a "compassionate" and "understanding" angle in which they are drawing support, even from Christian conservatives, for the continued legalization of abortion. Upon this claim they are labeling persons like myself who support a complete ban on abortion as extremists. This scenario, even supported by Senator John Kerry during the last presidential debate, states that abortion can never be totally eliminated because their needs to be a clause for cases in which it "might" affect the health of the mother.

The reason why I emphasize the word might is because prenatal medicine is not an exacting science. They can never say definitively whether a mother will die, or suffer long-term medical problems if she goes through with the birth. At best, they can only present the worst-case scenario, which is simply a possibility. I would hate to kill my baby because I "might" be in danger.

To the mothers reading this. Faced with the opening scenario, how many of you would take a chance on letting the speeding truck hit you in order to save the life of your child. As a father of two it would be a no-brainer. I would save my kid's lives even if I knew definitively that I would die as a result. This is what it means to be a father, and the lives of my children mean that much to me!

Unfortunately, we have liberal Democrats like Senator John Kerry and Senator John Edwards, as well as socially moderate Republicans throwing babies out in front of moving cars, using this belief as justification. I am compassionate in believing that it would be a very difficult decision if I found out that my lovely wife's life would be in danger if she went through with another birth. But, knowing that no doctor can tell me definitively that this would be the case, I would save the baby, and trust God to save my wife. It's called faith.

I will be the first to admit that I am not the moral compass for the entire world to watch and exemplify. I am not 100% right 100% of the time, but God's word is. Therefore, if I make a moral error, I do not compound it by further turning away from God's word to "fix" the problem. Conceiving a child out of wedlock, which is immoral cannot be fixed by aborting a child, which is also immoral. Immorality cannot and should not be justified by further immorality.

I say this as a precursor to the following group of statements. Abortion is a real issue for me for the following reasons. I have a younger sister whom I love dearly, and we are extremely close as we are only two years apart in age. Upon her conception one of my parents wanted to abort her due to their temporary financial status. The idea of not having my younger sister in my life is more than I dare think about. Furthermore, my wife would have been aborted, had it not been for the intervention of a wonderful, older, Christian lady. Even still there remain situations that hit even closer to home.

Neither of my children were planned pregnancies. Not only were they not planned; my children are a mere fifteen months apart in age. When we found out about the first pregnancy my wife and I were not married, and I was serving in the church. I was living with my parents, making $6.76 per hour working at a Christian Bookstore, and really had nothing to offer a child or a wife.

Needless to say abortion became an option as many people around us advocated for the procedure. We were not having it though! We had already made plans for marriage, though we were not yet engaged. Therefore we followed through with the marriage, I was blessed with better employment, and we moved into our own place once we were officially married. Anyone who has seen my daughter knows how beautiful she is, and knows what a travesty it would have been to murder her in the womb.

Abortion was thrown at us again when my son was unexpectedly conceived just six months after my daughter's birth. Again, we were not interested, and we had our son. And yes, he is as beautiful as my daughter. Every struggle that I face as a result of having two kids at this stage of my life is worth it to me every time one of them comes up and hugs me.

I think that it is time that we stand up to the pro-abortion lobby, and make our voice be heard! There is only one instance in which it is legal to kill one human to preserve the life of another, and that is self-defense. Abortion is not self-defense because no unborn child can attack its mother.

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